Call us Free:
0333 200 0069*

Password Reset

Enter your email address that you used to register.
We’ll send you an email with your username and a link to reset your password.
If you have any difficulties with this process please contact us on 0333 200 0069 or by email to [email protected] and we will resolve this for you.

Who Can Claim

Anyone suffering an injury, illness or condition caused by their service can potentially make a claim.

We provide you with an online service where you can complete the AFCS or WPS claim form on your computer or tablet device. Due to the complexity and size of the form, it is not practical to complete the full application process on your smartphone, although you can register for the service.

Military personnel

Using our experience with the legal process and the Veterans Agency we will:

  • Review every part of the form and provide you with not only our view of the eligibility of your claim, but we will also offer advice where we believe the way you have conveyed your answers might prejudice your claim.
  • Help you complete the form to any degree you find helpful.
  • Submit the form to the Veterans Agency for their consideration.

If positive, they will make payment directly to you. Once the payment has been made to you, we will invoice you for 20% of the claim.

If you are unsuccessful, we will help make an application for reconsideration. There is no additional charge or fee for this service.

If both attempts are unsuccessful, there are absolutely no charges to you, nothing to pay at all.