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Mental Disorders

Definition of the term: Mental Disorders

  • In assessing functional limitation or restriction in accordance with article 5(6) account is to betaken of the claimant’s psychological, social and occupational function.
  • Mental disorders must be diagnosed by a relevant accredited medical specialist.
  • (a) Functional limitation or restriction is severe where the claimant is unable to undertake work appropriate to experience, qualifications and skills at the time of onset of the illness and over time able to work only in less demanding jobs.
  • (b) Functional limitation or restriction is moderate where the claimant is unable to undertake work appropriate to experience, qualifications and skills at the time of onset of the illness but able to work regularly in a less demanding job.

Select from the list below the item you feel best describes your type and severity of the injury to see which tariff it falls into along with the possible award entitlement.  

Please be aware this is for guidance only, please contact us to discuss your claim further.

1. Physical disorder causing severe functional limitation or restriction where life expectancy is less than 5 years.

This type of injury would fall into tariff level : 6


If we were successful for this type of claim you would take home £112,000 after our 20% fee

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2. Permanent mental disorder, causing moderate functional limitation or restriction.(b)

This type of injury would fall into tariff level : 8


If we were successful for this type of claim you would take home £48,000 after our 20% fee

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3. Physical disorder causing permanent severe functional limitation or restriction.

This type of injury would fall into tariff level : 10


If we were successful for this type of claim you would take home £21,600 after our 20% fee

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4. Mental disorder, which has caused, or is expected to cause functional limitation or restriction at 2 years, from which the claimant has made, or is expected to make, a substantial recovery within 5 years.

This type of injury would fall into tariff level : 12


If we were successful for this type of claim you would take home £8,000 after our 20% fee

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5. Mental disorder, which has caused, or is expected to cause, functional limitation or restriction at 26 weeks, from which the claimant has made, or is expected to make, a substantial recovery within 2 years. 

This type of injury would fall into tariff level : 13


If we were successful for this type of claim you would take home £4,800 after our 20% fee

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6. Mental disorder, which has caused or is expected to cause, functional limitation or restriction at 6 weeks, from which the claimant has made, or is expected to make, a substantial recovery within 26 weeks.

This type of injury would fall into tariff level : 14


If we were successful for this type of claim you would take home £2,400 after our 20% fee

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