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Military Injury - PTSD Compensation

Have you suffered or witnessed a traumatic event whilst serving?

Combat zones are inevitably stressful, but sometimes military personnel are subjected to events that are traumatic and even life-threatening. Whilst it's normal to be in shock and need time to process and heal from such events, occasionally it can lead to a life-debilitating condition called Post-traumatic stress disorder.

PTSD can manifest in many ways, including uncontrollable thoughts, intrusive memories, insomnia, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as causing physical symptoms that include stomach aches, chest pains, headaches and dizziness. It can permeate every part of a person's life, ultimately damaging relationships and making it hard to work.

Whilst it is expected that some combat stress comes with the territory, we believe that personnel who have found their lives blighted by PTSD after experiencing or witnessing traumatic events are perfectly entitled to submit a claim either under the AFCS or WPS system for compensation. However, these claims need to be carefully prepared and supported by the right medical evidence. We have the expertise in this firm to represent servicemen and women, past and present, with these claims. Arrange a call back now

PTSD affects a substantial number of service personnel

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after someone has experienced a traumatic event. Exposure to combat situations can have a profound and deep-rooted negative effect on a person’s mental well-being, and therefore it is not unsurprising that PTSD is more common in people who serve in the armed forces.

Also, it is not just combat situations that can affect military personnel’s mental health adversely, and there are many types of traumatic events and situations that can have a lasting impact.

If you have been diagnosed* with PTSD that was caused by service, you could receive compensation for your suffering. For tariff info, see our Types of Injuries - Mental Disorders section.

What we can do for you

We provide you with an online service where you can complete the AFCS or WPS claim form on your computer or tablet device. We will offer guidance on completing the application, including reviewing every part of the form and providing you with our view of the eligibility of your claim. And perhaps most significantly, we will also offer advice if we believe the way you have conveyed your answers might prejudice your claim against you.

If you prefer to have a chat before starting your online form, we offer a free consultation where we can advise you on your eligibility as we see it. Arrange a call back now.

We will submit the form to the Veterans Agency for their consideration and if your claim is successful, they will make payment directly to you.

Once the payment has been made to you, we will invoice you for 20% of the claim.

If you are unsuccessful, we will help make an application for reconsideration. There is no additional charge or fee for this service.

If both attempts are unsuccessful, there are absolutely no charges to you - nothing to pay at all.

*Mental disorders must be diagnosed by a relevant accredited medical specialist.

Going it alone vs getting help

Learn more about the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS)

Learn more about the War Pension Scheme (WPS)

Taking the right approach is crucial.  Don’t go it alone, and don’t take advice from people that don’t know how the scheme really works, because the likelihood is that you’ll be very disappointed when your claim fails on a technicality.

Start your claim now